Becherini Scale Center, Inc. is celebrating its 54th year as a Mettler
Toledo Distributor. We rent and sell products for the industrial and
retail trades, as well as providing
service and
maintenance throughout the
"Inland Empire." Our territory covers Eastern Washington, North Idaho, Western Montana and
Northeast Oregon. While Mettler Toledo is our #1 supplier and scales are
our primary product, we also provide the widest range of equipment and supplies
available in our area!
We carry the full range of supplies which complement meat processing, from grinder
blades to spices to packaging equipment to measuring and labeling. Our
goal is to provide you with the best products and service for your application the
first time!

and scales belong to the Lord; all the weights used with them are His
concern." ~
Proverbs 16:11

Company Profile
In 1950 Hugo Becherini became a Toledo Scale Distributor in Billings,
Montana. He moved to Spokane, Washington in 1962 when Toledo
Scale requested that he to take over the territory. Hugo's son, Grant, joined the business
in 1973. When Hugo retired in 1978, Grant bought the business and is the
current owner and President. The Becherini Scale Center was incorporated
in October, 1980.

Contact Information
E. 317 Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA 99202
Electronic mail General Information:
