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VLM2 Value Line

VLM1000 shown


Bending Beam Load Cell with Fixed Compression Mount Suspension.

Value Line weigh modules offer excellent value for general-purpose weighing of tanks, hoppers, and OEM machinery. VLM2 modules feature receiver plates that isolate the load cell from vibration and shock.

Modules are available in capacities of 250 lb. to 2,500 lb.  In addition to stainless steel load cells, they include zinc-plated hardware.  Fixed compression mount suspensions isolate the load cell from vibration and shock.

VLM2 weigh modules meet or exceed the Class III, 5000d accuracy requirements in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44.  VLM2 Load Cells are Factory Mutual Approved for use in hazardous areas.

VLM3 Value Line


Dual Ended Beam Load Cell with Fixed Yoke Suspension.

VLM3 Value Line weigh modules offer good value for general-purpose weighing of OEM machinery, tanks, and hoppers. Each weigh module incorporates a dual-ended-beam load cell. The rugged self-checking design of these weigh modules allows for thermal expansion and contraction of vessels due to outside temperatures or internal vessel reactions. Available in capacities of 1,000 to 75,000 lb.

VLM3 modules feature a self-checking design that allows for thermal expansion and contraction.



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