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METTLER TOLEDO offers user-friendly and flexible PC applications for store and scale management. Our wide range of software solutions integrate with your existing systems and scales of all types to make communication and information management easy.



Easily Integrate Weigh Data Into Your PC Applications using a server-based application with ActiveX Controls.

Weigh, Connect, Control with MTConnections™ Software

MT Connections Software simplifies the process of integrating and accessing weigh data from METTLER TOLEDO's industry-leading scale terminals to applications on PCs throughout the enterprise.

The server-based application provides ActiveX controls for the developer to use to handle all communication tasks with the scale terminals.




The e-Link Ethernet interface connects existing devices to your network without making any software or configuration changes. Balances, scales, titrators, checkweighers, and terminals can now all be connected to a network, and with the e-Link IP even in wet or hazardous environments. The e-link has all elements needed for device networking - a processor, a robust TCP/IP stack, web server, and a network connection to provide an Ethernet bridge to your serial devices.




The formulation/batching solution from METTLER TOLEDO for flexibility and reliability in chemistry, pharma and foodproductions.

bulletWeighing made simple and reliable
bulletCustomized configuration
bulletSimple operator prompting via display
bulletEasy-to-clean, hygienic
bulletFast, secure data management
bulletBatch documentation
bulletValidation support
















Ethernet based network solution for weighing with balances, dynamic checkweighers, another devices in your automated quality control process

FreeWeigh.Net provides statistical methods for analyzing and controlling the variation of a process. This is the quintessence of a quality production process. Implementing SQC in industrial processes involves collecting data or samples from the process, analyzing them usng standard statistical methods, and controlling them by closing the process feedback loop.

- System architecture
- 32-bit program architecture
- Client server
- SQL compliant
- Basic license for SQC
- Extra application modules
- Extra client access licenses
- for enterprisewide systems

Ethernet networking on production floor

- open standard software that support Windows NT/2000 and SQL-compliant databases
- METTER TOLEDO instruments and devices supporting TCT/IP protocol over Ethernet
- Increase productivity and explore unlimited integration for your existing equipment and instrumentation with the device integration utility

The attractive, graphical interface has gained acceptance thanks to its clear and simple structure and has already become the recognized standard in numerous industrial operations.

Particular attention has been paid to the dialog with the operator at the work station. FreeWeigh is distinguished by its large number of standard functions and by a high flexibility. The modular structure of the software allows a stepwise expansion and hence continual adaptation to the ever increasing changes in the production conditions.


 Rice Lake

















TransAct/TransAct Plus:

bulletIntuitive menu-driven program
bulletPowerful database with unlimited number of products, customers, weight containers, trucks, and trailers
bulletConfigurable product rates
bulletSupports bar code, mag strip, or RF reader input for automatic transactions
bulletReport to screen or printer, or export by tab-delimited text format
bulletThree configurable tares
bulletPredetermined, keyboard and automatic tare entry
bulletFour configurable category tables
bulletUnlimited configurable ticket formats
bulletAutomatic ticket processing
bulletPermit fields
bulletOne-or two-scale operation
bulletMultiple transactions per ticket
bulletNetworkable (Novell)
bulletExpandable reporting features
bulletTransaction importing/exporting for long distance transfers in non-networking applications
bulletCredit weight limits
bulletNTEP certified
bulletJob Table for contract purchases

TransAct Plus:

bulletFull accounting capabilities, including financial, payable, receivable and trackingAging report showing current and extended balance 30, 60, 90 days
bulletPrints customer invoices with detailed transaction information
bulletDiverse reports by account, revenue, tonnage, material, transaction, customer, date and more
bulletJob table for contract purchases

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