Vacuum Packing

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[Vacuum Tumbler]
[Vacuum Packing]



MVS 35 Table-top

bulletAssembled in stainless steel
bullet Vacuum cycle stop
bulletElectronic volumetric sensor
bulletHigh density plates
bulletDigital control panel with 9 programs
bulletVacuum pump: 3 mc/h (31) - 10 mc/h (35)

MVS 45 Table-top


bullet Assembled in stainless steel
bulletVacuum cycle stop
bulletElectronic volumetric sensor
bulletHigh density plates
bulletDigital control panel with 9 programs
bulletVacuum pump: 10 mc/h (45E) - 20 mc/h (45)




bulletAssembled in stainless steel
bulletVacuum cycle stop
bulletElectronic volumetric sensor
bulletHigh density plates
bulletDigital control panel with 9 programs
bulletVacuum pump: 20 mc/h



MVS 48


bullet Assembled in stainless steel
bulletVacuum cycle stop
bulletElectronic volumetric sensor
bulletHigh density plates
bulletDigital control panel with 9 programs
bulletVacuum pump: 40 mc/h



MVS 50

bullet Assembled in stainless steel
bulletVacuum cycle stop
bulletElectronic volumetric sensor
bulletHigh density plates
bulletDigital control panel with 9 programs
bulletVacuum pump: 40 mc/h





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