Vacuum Tumbler

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VTS-41 Shown





VTS-41 has a remote vacuum pump. The VTS 42 is the identical unit with the vacuum pump inside the control box.

Marinates most meats and fish in less than 20 minutes. Makes your people more productive.

Extend the shelf life and enhance the freshness, color and eye appeal of your prepared uncooked entrees. Increase your department's sales.

Make product cook faster, taste better and come out more tender. Your deli is more productive. Customers buy more product, and your sales increase.

Reduce shrinkage in cooked product. Less waste and better holding times in your hot foods case make higher profits.

Use Biro Blend Marinades to guarantee absorption of the marinade and give your product a distinctive taste customers will come back for. Boost your meat and deli hot foods departments sales and improve your profit margins.







The VTS-43 has two separate, portable drums to enable you to marinate two different kinds of product at the same time for greater productivity.

Marinate most meats and fish in less than 20 minutes. Create value added product in a minimum time.

Extend the shelf life and enhance the freshness, color, and eye appeal of your prepared uncooked entrees.

Make product cook faster, taste better, and come out more tender. Your deli is more productive. Customers buy more product, and your sales increase.

Reduce shrinkage in cooked product. Less waste and better holding times in your hot foods case make higher profits.

Use Biro Blend Marinades to guarantee absorption of the marinade and give your product a distinctive taste customers will come back for. Boost your meat and dell/hot foods departments sales and improve your profit margins




Increase your yield and make a better product with the Biro Model VTS-500 Vacuum Tumbler. The three stage timer lets you program relax time into your tumbling cycle for products such as hams or bellies. With the variable speed drive you can lower the tumbling rotation speed for tumbling delicate products. The heavy duty casters let you do your tumbling anywhere, and the drain hole in the drum makes cleanup a snap. Run/jog controls let you position the drum fo reasy cleaning or unloading, and a lug on a cart fits nicely under the drum for easy unloading. For added durability, the controls are all NEMA 4X rated which means they can be hosed for cleanup. The 12" x 18" opening makes it easy to load, unload, and clean the drum, and we've made sure that the new Biro Model VTS-500 has a vacuum pump that can evacuate the drum quickly so you don't have to sit around and wait for it. All of this means that the Biro Model VTS-500 Vacuum Tumbler works harder so you don't have to.


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